What is freesms.store ?
freesms.store.com is a Free SMS Provider (Free SMS Service) which allows you to send Free Text Messages anywhere in the world.
Because we know that sending an international text message is still expensive in some countries. freesms.store is at your service anytime, anywhere! So keep using freesms.store and share it with your friends.Why FREE and how many SMS I can send?
freesms.store is FREE because it displays ads, much like you see on many websites. Ads are the primary source of funding of our FREE SMS activity. We are paying to obtain SMS credits from our SMS Providers and We Used What We Earned from our Advertisers.Yes, definitely there’s SMS limit, but in normal usage, you can send as many SMS per day as long as you are not violating our Acceptable Usage Policy.
Our Free SMS Service is for Personal and Individual Use Only and cannot be used for Marketing and Promotional messages. We may at its option Forbid or Prohibit You and Your Use of this website immediately if it determines that you are using the service for marketing, promotional, unlawful, abusive, fraudulent and abnormal use or unusual activity.How Many Countries do you support?
We support most of the countries. To see the list of all countries, click the Global Coverage from top menu.Do I have to be in the same country that I’m sending SMS?
NO. This is why our Free SMS Service is so great. As long as you are on a computer or on a tablet or smart phones with access to the internet, you can send SMS from anywhere to any destination we offer.Do you support multiple languages?
YES. Our Free SMS Service supports multiple languages. However, if your text message is in Arabic, French, Greek, Chinese and many other languages that’s considered a unicode SMS, your message is limited to 70 characters only.How many characters limit on every text message?
A Short Message Service (SMS) is 160 characters in length and 70 characters when using unicode format. If your text message is more than 160 standard characters in length, that is equivalent to 2 SMS. Each SMS is charge to us by our providers separately, that is why we only allow (1) one SMS at a time or 160 standard format or 70 unicode format per text.Why I am getting error while sending text message?
If you get an error like “invalid phone number” or any blank filled or verification error, then you must correct it yourself. If you get an error like “Message Failed!” then it means an internal issue from our server or due to heavy load so wait for few minutes, it will work in a short while. freesms.store is validating phone numbers before processing or sending the message to prevent wastage of it. Sometimes the error message cause when you try to send text messages that breached our Acceptable Usage Policy or Terms of Service.I sent a text message and it was not received by the recipient.
There are many reasons why SMS messages did not arrived but the most are
- Invalid Phone Number.
- Phone Number is currently listed in our Don’t Text Me list.
- Text Message contains prohibited words.
- Text Message contains promotional or marketing texts.
- The Phone Number has been switch off or is out of coverage area.
- Carrier-to-Carrier error or network congestions.
- Either the carrier in the country is blocking our numbers or there’s no carrier-to-carrier SMS agreement in place.
- A technical error/issue has occurred in the system.
In an effort to reduce the abuse of the system by spammers, we request you read or carefully review some text in your text message before clicking the send button.Can I send offensive or explicit language in my text message?
No. WE DO NOT ALLOW any offensive, explicit, spam, scam, abusive or unlawful text messages on our site. As general rule, offensive or explicit language in your messages will not be tolerated. Harassment, cyber bullying, or sending inappropriate messages or even if it is a JOKE are all serious violations of our Acceptable Usage Policy and Terms of Service and if we find to be doing any of these, we will forbid it from our service.Is there options to STOP Receiving SMS?
YES. If you are receiving messages that makes you feel uncomfortable, or unwanted text messages, or you think those text messages came from our site, you may fill-up the Don’t Text Me form and we will immediately block your phone number from our service.Can SENDER be tracked?
Yes. freesms.store record the sender’s IP address and its location. Sending prohibited messages can be traced upon request from LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES to identify the person’ committing abuse.